20 September, 2022
SchoolTalk data privacy
and protection
You may be aware of a report recently released in the UK which wrote of the selling of data collected from students using education technology. We understand this raises questions about whether the organisations behind the education software your students are currently using are doing the same thing.
We would like to assure all users of SchoolTalk that we do not engage in the trading of any data collected in the course of using our software. We hold ourselves to the highest standard of accountability precisely because we are engaged with young people and feel a special responsibility to ensure any data related to their identity and learning is stored safely, protected from external risks and only used for the purpose of furthering their education and wellbeing.
We use industry standard best practices to protect this data, and we recently underwent an independent, globally recognised security audit, and emerged from this exercise with 0 security risks. We hope this provides all of our subscribers the assurance that we are using the best protection available.
If you have further questions on this topic, please don't hesitate to contact us: admin@teketehono.nz