Building a Future of Digital Equity

At Te Kete Hono, we aim to foster digital inclusion and enhance educational outcomes. With this in mind, we have embarked on a journey with schools through our digital equity programme. Our goal? To ensure every teacher and student has access to the tools and resources necessary for accelerating progress in learning.

One of the cornerstones of this initiative has been our partnership with the Education Partnership & Innovation Trust (EPIT). They have supported us to work closely with schools to embed formative assessment practices through the use of SchoolTalk, our signature tool that helps to provide educators with invaluable insights into student learning and progress, as well as support learners to become assessment capable.

Qualifying schools receive a comprehensive support package, including two years of fully subsidised use of the SchoolTalk platform, tailored professional learning and development, and access to digital resources. Embedded within SchoolTalk are progressions in Maths and Literacy, aligned to the Curriculum refresh - enabling teachers to grow their knowledge of the refresh while delivering a progression based teaching and learning programme. The response from participating schools has been overwhelmingly positive, with educators embracing the tools and methodologies introduced through the programme.

Reflecting on our journey thus far, we've learned valuable lessons from the first cohort of participating schools. The importance of adaptability in our implementation approach with schools is key. Each school has its unique challenges and needs, and it's essential to tailor our support accordingly. Whether it's addressing high staff turnover or providing support for teachers new to the profession or to New Zealand, customisation has been key to success.

Central to our approach has been the provision of ongoing support in manageable, bite-sized chunks. Professional development is an ongoing journey, and our focus is currently on developing accessible, on-demand resources to support educators to deepen their practice at their own pace.

Perhaps most rewarding has been witnessing the impact on student engagement and learning. Students have embraced SchoolTalk with enthusiasm, demonstrating an eagerness to engage with the tool and take ownership of their learning journey. They love the opportunity to identify their strengths as well as their goals for future learning.

We are excited to build on the momentum of our digital equity programme, with the opportunity to open up the programme to additional schools or clusters of schools.Do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, or would like to find out if you qualify for this amazing programme please email us at